FOODLAB Expertise

Pursuant to Ministerial Decision 487/4.10.2000 (Government Gazette 12198), food businesses must apply the rules on good hygiene practices, as well as the HACCP system (assurance of food hygiene), while at the same time they are required to perform constant self-inspections to confirm their proper implementation and observance. With their specialised knowledge and experience, the members of the Scientific Food Testing Laboratory provide significant assistance to food businesses in order to satisfy the above requirements.


The Scientific Food Testing Laboratory is a service provider in the field of food and beverage testing, as well as in the field of development and organisation of quality systems and techniques.

• Participation in research programmes

The FOODLAB laboratory has worked with many food businesses in the framework of research programmes, while it has also undertaken the implementation of numerous actions, such as:
- programmes for dealing with problems faced by businesses,
- a study for monitoring and improving the quality of milk,
- development of software for classifying milk by quality,
- a study for the installation and modernisation of milk quality control laboratories,
- zootechnical support for milk production plants,
- isolation and identification of Lactococcus lactis in traditional cheeses.
- isolation and identification of enterobacteriae in raw materials and in production plant products and equipment.
- isolation and identification of microorganisms that cause spoilage of cheeses and packaged milk.


• Quality evaluations at food businesses

The members of the laboratory undertake evaluations of food businesses in order to determine whether they comply with set standards.

• Setting up quality control laboratories at food businesses and training staff in testing.